Radical changes to working patterns and commuting are needed to cut road congestion according to business leaders.

In a report out today, the CBI sets out ways to cut congestion and save time and money.

A CBI survey shows 80 per cent of companies see roads as being ‘vital’ to their business, and 96 per cent want to see fresh thinking from the next government and a willingness to tackle rush-hour congestion as a priority.

The CBI said vehicle traffic had grown by a quarter in 20 years and road congestion cost the economy an estimated £7-8bn a year, which is likely to more than double by 2025.

Andrew Palmer, the CBI’s regional director, said: “For too long, Britain’s roads have been a cause of frustration and delays. Government initiatives, such as road-widening schemes have been welcome but hardly scratch the surface.

“Now is the time for fresh thinking on the roads.”