Thirteen thousand young people across the city have become members of Bradford Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust in the last year.

In response to the increase, the Trust has started a dedicated website to encourage young people to get involved in the organisation and to publicise training and career opportunities.

Corporate affairs manager Jacqui Maurice said: “We hope the introduction of the dedicated website will become a valuable resource for young people across the region.

“Each year we provide more than 500 youngsters with work experience opportunities, while others sign up as volunteers.”

The website, unveiled at the trust’s annual student open event at Bradford Royal Infirmary, will contain information about volunteering and work experience. “We are also developing a jobs and careers gallery where young people who already work for the Trust will provide a snapshot of what their jobs are like,” said Miss Maurice.

“Young people can also find links to other useful sites that can support their own training and development as well as find out how to apply for jobs in the NHS.”

The website will also contain a section on health and well-being, including services such as sexual health which the young people can access.

The student open event was attended by more than 250 young people with some travelling from as far as York. Information, interactive displays and representatives from around 30 services – including accident and emergency, voluntary services, maternity, recruitment, web design, communications, emergency planning, sexual health and estates – were there.

Medical and nursing students delivered presentations outlining their daily work and their route into the profession.

Representatives of Yorkshire Fire and Rescue Service, West Yorkshire Police, Bradford and Airedale PCT chlamydia screening team, Bradford Council’s Skills for Work team and Bradford University’s school of health studies also attended The new young people’s website can be found at