Rowdy behaviour fuelled by booze has been slashed in a town – thanks to a project backed by police and youth workers.

Calls reporting anti-social behaviour have fallen by almost half in Silsden since the project was set up with cash from Keighey Area Committee and the town council.

The success comes as Bradford Council, social landlord Incommunities and West Yorkshire Police jointly pledged to tighten up their responses to complaints of anti-social behaviour.

They are setting out a level of service residents can expect when they report issues such as anti-social behaviour, abuse, littering and vandalism.

The Silsden initiative was sparked after reports of youths harassing mostly-elderly people around Hothfield Street School in an area bounded by Hothfield Street, Barrett Street, Aireview and Kirkgate.

With £10,000 of area committee cash and £3,700 from Silsden Town Council, the project involved opening the youth centre in Elliott Street on Friday nights in addition to existing Tuesday and Thursday sessions. Youngsters are attracted by an offer of music and activities such as computer games and pool.

Sessions are aimed at young people aged 13 to 17 and are overseen by youth workers from Bradford’s Integrated Youth Service and Police Community Service Officers.

Figures released to Keighley Area Committee, which meets on Thursday, show the number of anti-social behaviour reports fell from 56 in the six months from July 2008 to January 2009 to 27 between July 2009 and January 2010.

Silsden town councillor Michael Elsmore said: “I think it’s been very successful. Now we need more funding so it can open on Saturday night as well. Fridays and Saturdays are the nights most young people want to be out socialising.

“What was most pleasing was how popular it had become from attracting about 15 in November last year up to between 30 and 40 now. As a result the number of complaints have fallen by about 50 per cent.”

Town councillor Pat Bottomley, who co-ordinates Silsden Youth Council, said: “Reports from youth councillors are that it is well attended and very good.”

An area committee spokesman said the success was a result of the trust built up between youth workers and the young people. Involved are a senior worker and a full-time youth worker supported by a rota of eight youth work staff.

Four workers are based in the centre and two engage with youngsters elsewhere in the town. Long term it is hoped to develop a mentoring service so the Friday night activities could run more independently.