Sandra Hunt proudly brandishes a crisp white invitation – By Royal Appointment.

She and 400 representatives of the British Clothing Industry have been invited to meet the Queen at a special reception at Buckingham Palace on Tuesday.

For Sandra, it is recognition for the Bradford service she has been involved with for more than 20 years, and one which is changing the lives of the hundreds of disabled customers she and her tailoring team are producing garments for.

In Jubilee Mills, a former box mill close to Bradford city centre, Clothing Solutions are creating fashion with a function. Requests range from adapting uniforms for local schoolchildren and customising shop-bought t-shirts and jeans, to creating bespoke bridal and occasion-wear.

Since it was formed 29 years ago, when it was originally known as Fashion Services for the Disabled, Clothing Solutions has fought off the threat of closure three times.

That is why Sandra is making it her mission to do as much networking as possible at the Royal event to ensure everyone knows about the organisation she is so passionate about.

The recession has hit many charities hard, and, as Britain begins its recovery following the worst economic crisis in 60 years, Clothing Solutions has been forced to dip deep into its reserves.

“What we have found in the recession is people have been very nice in their responses – some have even reimbursed the cost of us sending the letter, or said they would like to give us more but they can’t manage and it has affected us,” says Sandra.

They say charity begins at home and Sandra would like to see more local support from the health service or local authority.

“This is a unique service tucked away in Bradford. We’ve been plodding on for 29 years and now we have been recognised by Buckingham Palace.”

She says plenty of money is spent on regenerating areas in the city indicating cash is available, yet Clothing Solutions is having to raise funds or rely on charitable donations to keep them afloat.

“We manage, but it makes you wonder how much longer we can go on fundraising. By now, the service should be supported by the local authority or the Government. That’s what is needed to preserve the future of the service,” says Sandra.

The service currently has a waiting list of two to three months. Sandra says if she wasn’t having to spend time fundraising instead of stitching, they could help more customers.

With one batch of clothes ready to be dispatched to a customer in Ireland, Cindy Blackwell, one of a trio of tailoresses, prepares a pair of khaki-patterned pants ready for pressing.

They look like any other pair of trendy trousers, only what isn’t so obvious is the drop-front design for the convenience of the wheelchair-bound wearer.

Cindy appears visibly moved when talking about the difference she and her colleagues are making to disabled people’s lives.

“It’s helping people to lead a normal life,” says Cindy.

One of their customers had almost given up on life after suffering from a stroke. Having a wardrobe of clothes specifically designed to suit his needs improved his self-esteem and gave him the confidence to go out and socialise again.

“It not only gave him his life back, it also gave him his dignity,” says Sandra.

Otley teenager George Buxey is one of their youngest customers. George was born without a shoulder joint. He has a short arm with a functional hand, so the sleeves of his trendy tops and school uniform need adapting.

Mum Susan says the service enables George to wear the same clothes as his peers. “I don’t know what we would do if they weren’t there because they know how to do it and it’s such a professional job.”

Says Sandra: “It is such rewarding work and I am friends with a lot of customers. It is designing with a difference because it is looking at them and designing for that individual.

“I am making a difference to people’s lives and it isn’t just the disabled person. Their families benefit and they express that,” says Sandra.

For more information, call Clothing Solutions on (01274) 746739 or e-mail: enquiries@