Work has been completed to adopt and repair a road outside a school after a campaign by nearby residents.

They feared the poor state of Moor Park Road was a threat to the safety of pupils at Bradford Moor Primary School.

A petition containing 275 signatures was presented to Bradford Council and in 2008 the authority agreed to the work, which included resurfacing the road, new pavements, improved street lighting and drainage.

The work, which was expected to cost £50,000, has now just been completed.

Sasha Tiffany, the school’s parental involvement worker, said they were delighted that the road had been adopted and that it was now a safer access for children and parents.

She said: “I am really delighted. We have been campaigning for a long time to get the road repaired. We are just so happy for the sake of the children and their parents. It just shows how all the parents and staff working together can make a difference.”

Sadran Afzal, whose three children were almost hit by a driver when the vehicle hit one of the road’s large potholes, started the campaign.

She told the Telegraph & Argus how pleased she was that their petition had been successful.

She said: “We stopped using Moor Park Road after my son was nearly hit but since the work was finished last week I’ve been happy to use it again.

“There are proper pavements on both sides and it is much safer for children and parents. It’s fantastic that we have all been able to make such a difference.”

Councillor Ghazanfer Khaliq, who backed the campaign, said: “I am pleased that the work has been completed, especially as it is before the opening of the Delius special school on the same site.

“The work has cost around £60,000 in total and extra funding had to be agreed by the area committee.”

In 2008 the T&A reported how campaigners feared a child would be killed on the well-used side entrance to the school before a decision on repairs could be made.

The petition was reviewed at a meeting of Bradford North area committee and it emerged that many requests had been made over the years for the road to be adopt- ed.

The street was originally included in a priority list in the late 1980s as it provided access to a school but, before the work could be done, the list was abandoned in 1994.

The area committee agreed in November 2008 to fund the necessary works and adopt the road.