There have been many imitators but there is only one Riverdance – and the smash hit global phenomenon kicked off a sell-out week in Bradford tonight.

It’s too easy to dismiss this kind of event as twee Irish whimsy of the gift shop variety, but anyone who saw last night’s performance will have been blown away by the skill, strength and versatility of this world-class dance troupe.

Riverdance is a celebration of Irish dance and culture but it’s also much more than that.

From the meadows of ancient Ireland to the streets of New York, a heady succession of routines embraced a world of dance, from the Irish jig to American jazz, the dramatic flamenco to Russian folk.

Weaving throughout is a spirit entwining dancers with the natural elements, as the wheel of the seasons turned, giving the show its trademark ethereal feel.

There was drama, action, love, loss – and humour played out in the hugely entertaining Trading Taps, a ‘dance-off’ beautifully performed by two cool dude tap dancers and three male Irish dancers.

Flamenco dancer Marita Martinez-Rey set the stage alight with her passionate Firedance, while the Moscow Folk Ballet Company appeared to defy gravity with their Russian Dervish; a riot of lightning quick leaps, lifts and spins.

The Irish dance ensemble was terrific, led by fabulous leads Alan Scariff and Donna Marie Boyle.

From the dramatic opening performance of The Heart’s Cry to the rousing finale of Riverdance, this was soul-stirring stuff that had the audience whooping and clapping throughout.

The clattering of the dancers’ shoes as they pounded the stage in perfect unison was as uplifting as it was moving.

A terrific four-piece band and choir of haunting singers were at one with the dance, and special mention must go to captivating fiddle player Niamh Fahy and baritone Charles Gray.

A must-see treat. Runs until Saturday.