A retired policeman who was on duty the day of the Bradford City fire is to use his “pride and joy” to help the Burns Unit Appeal.

Terry Slocombe, the inspector on duty at the ground when it was engulfed in flames in 1985, will drive his 74-year-old Morris 8 two-seater tourer from Bradford to Lincoln and back.

Mr Slocombe of Westwood Crescent, Cottingley, is challenging people to estimate the time it will take him to complete the two journeys of 84 miles.

Mr Slocombe, 66, will be setting off on Sunday, May 9, coming back the following day.

“The fire was an horrendous experience. It was so hot, the hair on a PC standing next to me set on fire,” he said.

“I’m challenging people to guess the total time of the two journeys, with each guess £1. The AA route planner states the journey one way will take two hours and seven minutes, but that is not allowing for a 74-year-old car.

“The time will include any refuelling and/or breakdowns but will not include comfort breaks or tea stops.

“The two best guesses will win prizes.”

Competition forms are available from the club shop at Valley Parade or from Mr Slocombe on 07739 930660.