'A MASSIVE cock-up'. It would be hard to find a more

succinct description for the sorry saga that has taken place at Weston Lane Junior Sports and Social Club's grounds over the last fortnight.

But those aren't the words of club committee members, still reeling from the fact that contractors working for Leeds have dug up a large slice of their field - and effectively scuppered a big fund-raising football tournament.

The vernacular verdict comes from a local councillor, who shall remain nameless, and it would be hard to disagree.

First, contractors working on behalf of the city council (or more specifically Leeds North West Homes) gave residents a nasty post Bank Holiday surprise by removing 120 tonnes of turf and soil from the site without warning.

Then, after Leeds realised a mistake had been made, the workmen were ordered to 'make it right' again. But no matter how hard they work, the pitches simply won't be ready in time for the club's big tournament, planned for mid-July.

For the group, the competition would have been the first it had organised since rising from the ashes of a devastating arson attack in 2000 - and its main fundraiser of 2005.

Already out of pocket through setting the event up (which invited 200-plus clubs) and buying trophies, the club is understandably asking for some kind of compensation.

But Leeds, ostrich-like, has only responded by saying it believes the tournament can still go ahead. To most people, this paper included, that seems disingenuous to say the least.

OTLEY Action for Older People has scooped £206,000 from the National Lottery - and it could not have gone to a more worthwhile cause. In the almost ten years since the organisation was set up by the town council, the lives of hundreds of people have been improved. Through its social events, its befriending schemes, gardening and

decorating services, it has helped countless people out of

isolation and into more enjoyable existences. Long may it continue.