Drink-driving is something that tends to be associated, in the public mind, with the period around Christmas. It is during that time that the police particularly target revellers who have enjoyed a little too much alcohol at parties and then get behind the wheel of a car. Every year statistics are published showing how many people were stopped by the police and how many were over the limit.

Yet the summer months, too, are a time when drivers might be tempted to drink too much or inadvertently stray over the limit after a few glasses of wine at a barbecue or a pint or two sitting in the sun outside a pub.

It might come as a surprise to some people to learn that there are more drink-drive casualties in the summer than there are over the festive period. Yet according to an accident analyst for the West Yorkshire Casualty Reduction Partnership, that is indeed the case. There were a staggering 42 drink-related crashes, resulting in 61 casualties, across Bradford last summer.

It is hardly surprising that the Government has decided to highlight this toll with its THINK! campaign which will also see more mobile patrols out and about to remind motorists of their responsibilities. Many pubs across Bradford are entering into the spirit of things, displaying hard-hitting messages to persuade drivers not to drink. Let's hope that more and more of them decide to join in and help to make this summer a safer one for all those who use the roads - motorists, cyclists and pedestrians alike.