Keighley town crier Mike Walton has called time on his association with Keighley Town Council because of a dispute about his duties.

Mr Walton told the town council last week, through Cllr Brian Hudson, that he would no longer represent the council.

He also returned Janet's Bell, the town crier's bell donated by Cllr Laurence Brocklesby in memory of his wife, and his business cards.

Although Mr Walton (pictured) was unavailable for comment when the Keighley News went to press, his argument with the council is believed to be because of a letter sent to him.

The letter outlined the town council's requirements of the town crier. After he received the letter, Mr Walton contacted councillors Brian Hudson and Gerald Newton.

Cllr Hudson wanted to discuss the matter at last week's meeting but his agenda item was brought up too late for inclusion.

Cllr Hudson told the Keighley News: "The man believes in Keighley, and when he carried our mace he was the proudest man in Keighley."

Mr Walton is paid an honorarium of £500 per year by the town council to cover six events -- the annual meeting, remembrance day, civic service, Christmas carnival, St George's Day and the civic dinner.

The letter was sent to Mr Walton after he was unable to attend the annual meeting because of work commitments.

It said: "The incoming mayor and deputy were extremely disappointed that you were unable to attend the annual meeting - the most important date in our calendar, particularly when you had indicated that you would be available and that your new job meant you would be able to plan your diary more easily."

It added: "The town council really needs to know where it stands, particularly as it pays an honorarium for the position.

"In addition to all this the town council has willingly funded the town criers competition for the past two years, including accommodation for a number of town criers and catering.

"We do, therefore, really need to know where we stand and whether or not you want to commit yourself to the civic duties."

Mayor Cllr Tony Wright said the council would treat the position as before until it received a reply from Mr Walton.

He said: "The letter outlined a number of problems. I asked town clerk Miggy Bailey to send that letter out because Mike Walton is paid an honorarium to act on our behalf.

"I stand by the letter 100 per cent. I didn't have a great deal of problem with it. It outlined the facts, although it might not have been in the tone that he liked. At the end of the day the annual meeting is the most important date in our calendar."

He said the matter was not discussed in the town council meeting in line with its protocol.

Cllr Wright added: "We have a code of conduct and a complaints code.

"It says that if there is a grievance it should be in writing to the town clerk or myself.

"From there I would bring it up in the appropriate committee, which would be the new staffing committee."