A POLICE and community contact point could be up and running at Silsden Fire Station within two months.

Two years and 10 potential sites since the idea was mooted, the town is still without the facility.

But Insp Tony Walker, of Keighley Police, who is heading the project, suggested the fire station in a letter read out to the town council last week.

He said it was regrettable that the latest suggestion of the town's library was not feasible.

But he said the facility could be opened within two months at the retained fire station on Elliott Street.

The suggestion was not received enthusiastically by councillors when they met last Thursday, however.

Coun Adrian Naylor felt the site wasn't central for residents in Addingham and Steeton, who would share the centre.

Coun Paul Bromley said: "I personally don't think it will work. It would be difficult for elderly citizens to get up there."

And Coun Keith Savage was concerned people could get in the way of emergency call-outs.

"I don't think it is suitable at all," he added.

Craven ward councillor Andrew Mallinson said that the idea should be discussed at the council's next meeting.

"There's been no confirmation from Insp Walker that the fire service has given authority for the contact point to go in there. I think we're being a little premature," he said.

Town council chairman, Mayor Michael Elsmore, asked why Silsden Town Hall could not be used for the base, which could include a cyber caf.

He said: "It's the only room available all day every day."

Coun Mallinson agreed, adding: "My commitment from the last meeting on looking towards getting a contact point up and running by the end of June/July is still up for debate. I do share the same concerns."

The former police station, on Bolton Road, was the first choice for a contact point, but was taken out of the equation when it was sold.

A council-owned building on Wesley Place was next up, but with estimated costs for refurbishment topping £80,000, it was deemed too expensive.

The new doctors' surgery, the Co-op, the Methodist church, the town hall, the pavilion in the park and St James' Church were all considered and subsequently dismissed for different reasons.

Jeff Bennett, from Keighley Area Panel, said the group could help find funding for the Wesley Place site.

Coun Elsmore added: "I feel we have been left out in the cold by the old Keighley Area Panel. I'm grateful for this change of policy."

And he suggested a public meeting raising the issue could be held at the town hall.

Coun Mallinson added: "It's not just a contact point, it's a one stop shop for Silsden and rural areas. Rural areas receive the crumbs, by pushing the public we can get funding. I think it would be fantastic."

Members agreed to defer further discussion about plans for a contact point at Silsden Fire Station until their next meeting, on July 7.