Fame -- Alhambra Theatre, Bradford

The decidedly lazy formula of pilfering a cult or classic film and sticking it on the stage is beginning to wear a little thin judging by the latest offering to come to Bradford.

While the cast were a mainly talented and energetic bunch, the story of a bunch of precocious New York teens struggling for stardom left you cold -- and not even a pair of bright green leg-warmers would have made a spot of difference.

When you could hear the songs above the ridiculously loud band, they really weren't worth the effort of trying to pick them out.

Only the signature tune got the blood flowing while a succession of cliched characters -- the balletic but illiterate bad boy and the tarty but talented bad girl -- revealed their all too obvious flaws.

I'm afraid you just didn't care enough about any of them to give a damn whether they made it to the big time or not.

Saying that, Delia Harris (Mabel), Rachel Hale (Serena) and particularly James Haggie as the rampantly horny Joe Vegas shone despite the slim lyrical pickings on offer.

Runs until Saturday. Phone 01274 432000 for ticket details/prices.

Stuart Roberts