Motorists across the district have been warned to resist the temptation of enjoying a pint at the pub over the summer.

And drivers were today told they will also have a greater chance of being caught speeding as speed camera patrols will be out in force from Monday.

The Government's THINK! campaign highlights that drink-driving is a year-round problem with drink-related casualties in summer rivalling those at Christmas.

Pubs across Bradford will display hard-hitting messages to persuade drivers not to drink.

Christopher Genn, an accident analyst for the West Yorkshire Casualty Reduction Partnership, said statistics showed that more drink-drive casualties occurred in summer than at the festive period.

Mr Genn said there were 42 drink-related crashes, resulting in 61 casualties, across Bradford last year. The incidents accounted for three per cent of the number of killed or seriously injured casualties on the district's roads.

Across West Yorkshire in 2004 there were 276 crashes where at least one of the drivers involved was over the drink-drive limit, resulting in 437 casualties.

During the summer high visibility speed camera police vans, operated by the casualty reduction partnership, will monitor 63 fatal crash locations across the county.

Philip Gwynne, spokesman for the partnership, said: "The warmer weather and lighter nights attract more people on to the roads than at other times of the year.

"But we're not just talking about cars, there's also a big increase in the number of pedestrians, pedal cyclists and motorcyclists on the same stretches of road. For these reasons, the mobile patrols will be parked up at proven casualty black spots until it gets dark, to act as a reassuring, calming influence on traffic and thereby helping keep all road users safer on the streets."