A blind mother says she fears for the safety of herself and her children because her rented home is falling down around her.

Mum-of-two Caroline Shaw, 31, said her three bedroom home in Thornaby Drive, Clayton has subsidence and Bradford Community Housing Trust, who own the property, is not doing enough about it.

"Large chunks of concrete are falling from the walls and the floors are all

uneven because the property is subsiding," she said.

"I am deeply concerned that a piece of concrete will fall on one of my children and hurt them."

She said she has reported the problem to the trust repeatedly since October when her children first pointed out to her what was happening.

"I rang them loads of times reporting what was wrong but they took the details and nothing happened," said Mrs Shaw.

"Eventually they told me the computer systems had been changed and that all the files were lost."

Mrs Shaw said it took until April this year for the Trust to send a surveyor to come and assess the problem.

"The surveyor told me the house was

subsiding because it was built on sulphur and that over time that reacts with concrete," she said.

A spokesman from the Bradford Community Housing Trust said: "We are aware of Mrs Shaw's situation and

that there are structural concerns within the house.

"We are currently awaiting a report back from the structural engineer to see what action needs to be taken."

Mrs Shaw, who suffers from a macula degenerative disease and has been registered blind for ten years, said she wants the trust to find alternative accommodation for her family until they repair the property and ensure it is safe.

"It is not fit to live in, I have already caused myself a number of injuries because the floors are uneven," she said.

"Being blind and caring for two children is enough of a challenge without having to cope with an unsafe home as well."

The Telegraph & Argus highlighted Mrs Shaw's plight two years ago when she battled with Bradford Council to be housed in the property after she was evicted from her home by a private landlord.

"I am sick that I went through so

much two years ago to get the property

in the first place and now I find out the house they gave me is not fit to live in," said Mrs Shaw who has lived in Clayton all her life.