An army of street champions is being recruited to spread respect and community pride in a Bradford neighbourhood.

'Go Girlington' is a new all-out drive to improve the look of the area through education and action. It is one of the biggest campaigns of its type ever launched by Bradford Council, and city leaders are warning: "Spoil it and you'll be prosecuted."

The scheme will be rolled out to involve residents, voluntary groups, schools, businesses and council workers in a bid to restore pride.

Other measures in a package unveiled yesterday include:

l an amnesty when all rubbish, except hazardous waste, will be taken from households

l door-to-door visits to homes and businesses giving information on recycling and the correct disposal of waste

l ensuring there are sufficient litter bins in the right areas

l unofficial tips on derelict land cleared and new signs put up to discourage fly-tipping.

To back the campaign, religious leaders are being asked to link environmental teaching in with prayers and school children will be making posters and video diaries.

Bradford Council has pledged there will be back-up policies in place with enforcement action taken against those who continue to dump rubbish or create litter problems.

And they will be asking community groups and businesses to identify environmental projects and sign a pledge to do the work.

Councillor Anne Hawkesworth, Bradford Council's portfolio holder for the environment, said: "The Go Girlington campaign will offer a fresh start for this area of Bradford. We want to encourage people in the community to take pride in the area they live and make it an attractive place to live, work and play.

"We will be working with landowners, businesses, residents, faith organisations and community groups to clear up the area."

The event will be launched at a neighbourhood forum on Wednesday at St Philip's Primary School, off Fairbank Road, from 6.45pm. The evening will give residents the chance to find out how they can get involved in the project and what to expect in the coming weeks, as well as enjoy a range of activities including face painting, stalls and a cafe.

Bradford West area chairman Councillor Arshad Hussain (Con, Toller) said: "I am encouraging everyone to come along to the launch and find out more about what is happening in Girlington."