Multiple Sclerosis sufferers are set to benefit from a pioneering specialist resource centre in Bradford.

The Bradford branch of the MS Society has an estimated £50,000 to spend on developing the centre which will be the only one of its kind in West Yorkshire.

But the group, which supports 200 people in the district, still needs to find a building to rent to use as a base.

Bradford MS Society chairman Stuart Lee-Haigh said the new centre would be a "showpiece."

"It's been in the planning stages for seven years but it's the red tape and finding a building that's letting us down," he said.

"We are desperate to get it started as soon as possible."

The charity, which is working alongside the Asian MS Society, has formed a steering group to find a suitable building.

Dave Winn, who was diagnosed with MS ten years ago and sits on the steering committee, said: "There is no resource centre in the area. The nearest is in Nottinghamshire. There is a respite centre with a leaflet collection point in York but we want our centre to be more than that.

"We would like it to have a local MS nurse and multi-disciplinary team, where people can get benefits advice, working in partnership with the local health and social care services.

"We want it to be able to offer counselling, physiotherapy, a chiropodist, reflexology, a mums' and children's group, and alternative therapies."

The branch needs a building with 3,000 square feet at ground level. "We are looking for somewhere in the vicinity of Bradford Royal Infirmary as MS services will be moving there from St Luke's," said Mr Winn.

Liz Wood, 40, of Highfield Road, Idle, who was diagnosed with MS about ten years ago, said: "Anyone who has been newly diagnosed with MS would certainly benefit from a resource centre. They are probably very frightened and need some emotional support. Sometimes people have no one to turn to."

Anyone who can help should contact Dave on (01274) 818669.