A devoted singer suffered a heart attack and died on stage as he was performing.

Singing fanatic John Posnett, who had been a member of the Aire Valley Singers for 22 years, collapsed during the performance which friends described as one of his finest.

The 79-year-old mason, who had suffered heart problems for many years, had been performing after a dinner at the Masonic Lodge in Castle Grove, Headingley, Leeds, when he collapsed.

"It was almost like he stage-managed the whole thing so he could go out on a high note," said his widow Elsie. "He was with the masons and was doing something he loved, so it was like he was saying to God 'Take me now'.

"He had not been well in the previous two weeks and I had noticed a change in him. He seemed to be trying to tie up all his loose ends.

"John actually arranged the concert himself. He had sung two solo pieces and everything was going marvellously. They were two-thirds of the way through when he came forward to introduce the next item and collapsed."

Doreen Anderson, musical director of the Aire Valley Singers, said: "It was so right and appropriate that he went in that way.

"For him, he could not have collapsed in a better spot - with his mason friends and alongside his friends from the Aire Valley Singers.

"We are all very sad, but we are also happy that he went in the way he knew best. He collapsed after a solo which he did so beautifully and gently.

"He lived and breathed music and despite health problems he always gave his best. He loved many types of music, particularly Mozart.

"By rights, he was too old to sing but he learned how to control his voice. His singing on Monday was as good as it had been for a long time."

Mr Posnett, of Ilkley, leaves his widow, two children, David and Jeannie, and four grandchildren.

Jeannie said: "He was devoted to us all and he absolutely adored his grandchildren. What a way for him to go - and with an audience as well."

Mr Posnett was a founding member of the BBC Northern Singers and sang with the BBC Midland Singers in his earlier years. He went on many summer-singing courses, bringing fresh ideas back to the Shipley-based Aire Valley Singers.

He worked as an insurance broker and travelled to the Gulf states to pass on his expertise.

Elsie said: "I was at the Mother's Union Centenary at All Saints Church in Ilkley on the night he died. He took me to the church, said 'Have a lovely evening' and kissed me. That was our goodbye."