A 20-year-old man who shot a teenager with a ball bearing gun at a bus stop has been locked up for three years.

Daniel Booth, of Leeds Road, Shipley, fired at least ten pellets at Craig Thompkins because of trouble over a girl, Bradford Crown Court was told yesterday.

Mr Thompkins, 18, still has a pellet lodged in his neck, prosecutor John Topham said.

The teenager was also struck in the leg and thigh and the bus shelter glass was shattered in a hail of pellets.

Booth was convicted by a jury last month of unlawful wounding on November 17 last year.

He was also found guilty of possessing an imitation firearm with intent to commit an offence.

Mr Topham said Booth deliberately aimed at Mr Thompkins from a car while he was standing at a bus shelter in Bowland Avenue, Baildon.

He called the teenager a Muppet and warned him: “That’s what you get for messing with other people’s girls.”

Booth told police he bought the gun that day by trading in bayonets for it.

He said he threw it away after the shooting.

While on bail awaiting trial, Booth burgled two houses in Saltaire, the court heard.

In May, he jemmied a window at a property in Catherine Street while the occupant, a fireman, was working his shift.

Booth made off with a TV, DVDs and two walkie talkies.

Arrested after he was traced by a footprint, he struck again on Albert Road only days before his trial.

He forced a front door and stole £2,500 of property, including a TV, computer and mobile phones.

Mr Topham said Booth made an untidy search of the property, spilling bleach on the floor. He was again arrested, after his DNA was found on a discarded latex glove at the house. Booth asked the court to take into consideration 21 further offences, including burglaries.

Booth’s barrister, Sukhbir Bassra, said he did not expect the gun to fire so many pellets at once. It was a reckless act and he and Mr Thompkins were now on friendly terms.

Booth owned up to further offences under the police’s “clean slate” initiative because he wanted to make a new start, Mr Bassra said.

Judge Jonathan Durham Hall QC sentenced Booth to 12 months in a Young Offender Institution for unlawful wounding and two years for the house burglaries to be served consecutively.