Talk To Angels
The Cockpit, Leeds

There was a lot of love in the room when Talk To Angels took to the stage at the Cockpit after a two-month delay – and rightfully so.

Last autumn, when the band were in the middle of a US tour, bassist Chris and their manager Darren were hit by a car and their recovery, albeit speedy, was arduous.

When the lads came together for a group hug, it was clear they never really expected to be ready to rock so soon after the accident.

Fired-up and performing against the odds, the band delivered a tight set bursting with pop hooks and emo-like time changes.

Bolstered by some intense drumming and whirring synths controlled from the sidelines by Embrace’s Mickey Dale, Talk To Angels’ live sound is a confident step forward from their recorded material.

Songs like He Loves Cilla, She, The Unravelling Emotional Boy and forthcoming single, Enemies Closer, were invigorated, charged with an energy made more profound by the band’s triumphant return to form after near-tragedy.

Frontman Craig’s vocal delivery flipped from reserved, humble banter to soaring melodies, his cohort Chris gleefully roughing up the edges with the odd growl. Serving as a warm-up for their impending US shows, this full-throttle thank-you to fans, friends and family for their support revealed what will be unleashed on our American cousins, and they’re in for a real treat.