It has been documented that it can improve your circulation and your sex life but is the sweet stuff really good for you?

Some may argue the launch of a new ‘healthy chocolate’ into the UK could be a clever advertising gimmick at a time when health is high on the Government’s agenda.

We live in an obesity-obsessed culture and are constantly looking at ways to slim and get healthy so again it could be argued the targeting is timely.

Since chocolate was initially consumed as an energy drink in Aztec times, experts have long debated whether chocolate is healthy.

Those of us who are partial to one chunk or a few would argue that it is. What can’t be argued is chocolate can generate well-being. Scientifically, cocoa contains a significant antioxidant which can affect levels of serotonin.

Chocolate is documented as an aphrodisiac; it has been reported eating dark chocolate can help control diabetes and blood pressure. It’s also said to be good for circulation.

Now an American company is bringing what it believes is a unique range of chocolate to Britain – and Bradford mum, Janet Hobson, was among the local distributors clamouring for the first consignment when it arrived in the UK on January 30.

Xocai, (pronounced show-sigh), is derived from an ancient central American drink Xocolatl and the Acai berry.

Xocai is created from a new process of dark chocolate production and has been developed and patented by MXI who have already launched the range into the USA, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand before bringing it to Britain.

The company says this new process of dark chocolate production preserves the high levels of antioxidants and nutrients in the raw cacao plant. The formulation is said to eradicate all the fats, waxes, fillers and refined sugars associated with chocolate production to produce a pure chocolate which is said to support the body systems and promote good health.

Xocai isn’t available in shops but through a network of independent distributors. Janet is among a network of local distributors. She was introduced to the chocolate by mortgage consultant, Kay Gorst, from Denholme. Kay was introduced to it by Ann Beckwith, from Halifax. They, along with local businessman, Alan Johnson, also from Halifax, have also received their consignments of the sweet stuff and are now busily promoting it throughout the UK.

Kay, a self-confessed ‘chocoholic’ noticed the benefits of taking Xocai within a week. She says her cravings for the family bar of chocolate she’d consume on an evening while relaxing went once she started eating Xocai.

Unlike conventional chocolate, Kay explains the three pieces of Xocai she is eating every day is the equivalent of four daily portions of fruit and veg!

She says she has noticed her concentration has improved and she can sleep better.

Kay says she’s tried all sorts of vitamins and well-being drinks over the years without results. She said: “I’ve spent a fortune on lotions and potions but I thought how easy is it to take a piece of chocolate and you have all those vitamins and minerals you need.”

Costing £1 per chunk, £100 for a box of 100, Xocai isn’t cheap. “But the health benefits outweigh and you cannot put a price on health,” says Kay.

“The cocoa bean (cacao) is packed with antioxidants, flavonoids and nutrients and was eaten to promote good health as far back as 600bc,” explains Janet.

She says with modern methods most of the goodness tends to be ‘cooked out’ whereas Xocai chocolate is made with a cold process retaining all the benefits within the ingredients.

Janet believes the advantage of eating Xocai chocolate is it supports cardiovascular health; promotes healthy inflammatory response; provides antioxidant protection; helps protect cellular function and supports memory/cognitive function. People with diabetes can eat it and it can also contribute to healthy weight control, something Janet is already trying out on her family.

She tells me she is running her own ‘mini’ trial on her ten-year-old son Cameron, and her partner, Cameron’s stepfather, Stephen Wilkinson who is currently taking long term medication and pain relief for chronic arthritis and high blood pressure.

Janet has photographed, weighed and measured them before embarking on the trial which involves consuming Xocai’s power square three times a day.

For more information contact 079500 13296.