A man who was found with horrific head injuries after a vicious street attack in Bradford has been taken off a life support machine.

Ian Burdett, 34, was discovered lying on a grass verge near the Sunrise restaurant, New Otley Road, Bradford, and taken to Bradford Royal Infirmary.

He was transferred to Leeds General Infirmary’s intensive care unit and put on a life support machine.

Yesterday Detective Inspector Mabs Hussain, of Bradford South CID, said there had been an improvement in the condition of Mr Burdett, of Undercliffe, and he was now off the life support machine.

“His condition is serious but stable. We have not yet been able to speak to him, but we are waiting to do so,” said Det Insp Hussain.

Police have not yet been able to establish a motive for the attack on Mr Burdett, which took place at about 3.30am last Thursday.

Two men, arrested in connection with the assault, have been released on bail pending further inquiries.

Anyone who saw Mr Burdett before the attack is asked to contact Detective Sergeant Craig Lord, of Bradford South CID, on 0845 6060606, or Crimestoppers, anonymously, on 0800 555 111.