Just what does it take to get the message through to some people about not being so careless about other people’s safety on the roads?
It’s almost a matter of course to see people still using their mobile phones while at the wheel of a car, and often they’re at it just as they’re setting off, too. Why can’t they stay where they are for a nanosecond and finish the call before getting in control of the lethal weapon that is their car?
Is it a badge of honour or something to think they are able to concentrate on the road as well as inanely chatter away about something and nothing on their ubiquitous mobiles?
But I really couldn’t believe it the other day when I saw one bloke not only holding a phone to his ear with one hand, but stuffing his mouth with a piece of cake with the other. I bet that was a worthwhile conversation he was having.
For God’s sake, let go of your mobiles! You won’t keel over if you can’t use them for half a second!
At a Kaiser Chiefs gig recently I was amazed at how many people had their mobile phone cameras out to ‘record’ the performance instead of just enjoying the live experience for what it was. Two shall we say plump young ladies in the row in front spent virtually the entire time watching the band through their mobiles, tiny dots in the distance, I’m guessing, and probably appalling quality.
I was tempted to suggest to them to get a life beyond mobile phones, but I guess I might have been in danger of having a video film taken of some internal part of my anatomy for my cussedness!