A while ago I blogged about the strange phenomenon of single shoes forlornly left in the middle of the road.

I've got a new abandoned clothing topic on my mind this week - gloves.

I was going home from work last night when I found a multicoloured woolly glove by the pedestrian crossing near the corner of Drake Street, going over towards the sadly (but, it appears, temporarily) defunct pub, The Queen.

Without even thinking about it, I reached down, picked up the glove and placed it carefully on the guard rail beside the road.

The question is, why? The obvious answer is because that's what people do when they find gloves. Whenever you're walking around, you'll see single, lost gloves placed on window sills, walls, fence-posts, just about anywhere.

Naturally, this is done in the best intentions, in the hope that if someone realises they've lost a glove they will retrace their steps and it will be easier for them to find.

But, thinking about it, what do you do if you've dropped something? You follow your route in reverse, eyes glued to the pavement.

Which means, because of the well-meaning people like me who place gloves high up in the hope you'll see them, you'll probably totally miss your misplaced mitten.

Just a thought.