So what are the amber lights for at traffic lights these days?
I think I must be behind the times.
I always thought they were to warn approaching drivers to slow down and stop, cos the red one was coming on at any second and there really was no way through.
Judging by, amongst others, the junction at four lane ends on Thornton Road, it is a signal for a slight acceleration, a squeezing through of several more vehicles, and maybe even allowing one or two more through when the red light has finally come on.
Occasionally, as I turn right up Allerton Road, I play the game of edging across the line of those ignorant drivers as they squeeze through coming the other way on amber and even red, just to shake them up a bit.
A dangerous sort of jape, I know, but the reaction of those drivers is universally one of indicating to me that it is my fault that they have to alter course a fraction.
One even found the time to sound her horn (for indeed, it was a lady driver) in self-righteous indignation that I had nearly prevented her scooting through on red.
I merely muttered a few expletives and felt a faint glow of inane satisfaction.