A BRADFORD primary school is celebrating a recent Ofsted report that praised how both "pupils and adults value being part of this happy and kind community".

Woodside Academy, on Fenwick Drive, was visited by inspectors from the education watchdog at the start of last month.

During the two-day visit, inspectors observed lessons and spoke with leaders, staff, pupils and parents.

While one-word ‘overall effectiveness’ Ofsted report judgements are no longer in use, a rating was still provided for Quality of Education, Behaviour and Attitudes, Personal Development, Leadership and Management, and Early Years. 

The school, which is part of the Leading Learners Multi-Academy Trust and has 371 pupils on its roll, is deemed to be ‘good’ across all these categories. 

The report says pupils are "courteous to each other and to those visiting their school" and they "understand how to keep themselves safe from harm".

Students are also given opportunities to participate in a wide range of sports as part of the curriculum including kickboxing.

Pupils are "proud to take on positions of responsibility" and "support others in their role as play buddies effectively".

One pupil told inspectors: "I really hope the positive dents we have made to the school will remain and keep the school growing in harmony."

Parents were said to have expressed concerns after "outcomes across the school have been variable" in recent years.

Ofsted said leaders have identified areas that needed to be improved and worked to address these issues.

The report adds: "Leaders provide support to ensure pupils attend school regularly.

"Most do, however, some pupils are frequently absent and because of this, they miss out on valuable learning."

Kirsty Porter, headteacher at Woodside Academy, said: “Everything we do is for our children.

"We want to give them the best possible start in life and keep moving our school forward for the good of the whole community. 

“While Ofsted reports aren’t the only measure of success for a school, I’m so proud to see that everyone’s hard work has been acknowledged, along with the positive impact that our school has on our wonderful pupils.”

Yvonne Brown, CEO at Leading Learners, added: “The Woodside community continues to go from strength to strength, and this report rightly demonstrates the impact of their tireless dedication to help pupils find a path where they can explore their talents, grasp opportunities and determine their own futures. 

“I look forward to seeing even further success as they continue on their journey.”