AN EV charging zone can be installed in a supermarket car park after planners agreed the facility would not harm any bats.

The Motor Fuel Group recently applied for planning permission to create a new electric vehicle space in the car park of the Keighley branch of Morrisons.

It would be made up of three EV charging stations, space for six cars, and a canopy covering the site – a short distance from the petrol filling station at the supermarket.

The application said it would be part of an “extensive rollout” of EV facilities across the country.

Bradford Council has now approved the development.

Planning officers pointed out that the Beck Street site is in a “bat alert zone” due to its proximity to North Beck.

But they added: “However, owing to the limited new built form proposed, and situation on existing hardstanding far from existing arboriculture, significant harm to surrounding bat roosts would be considered unlikely.”