MORE than 170 plants, grasses, and ferns have been planted in newly-pedestrianised areas of Bradford city centre this week.

The plants that have gone into the beds on Market Street include a mixture of flowering herbaceous perennials, hardy shrubs, grasses, and ferns and complement the trees that have already been planted there.

In total 24 different types of plants have been planted in the beds on Market Street.

The natural form of the design aims to mimic elements of meadows, bringing a colour scheme featuring a range of yellows, blues, and purples.

New street furniture - including granite seats - are also being installed in what will soon be a fully-pedestrianised plaza.

Similar work is due to take place on Bank Street in the coming weeks, and a new planter is being installed on Bridge Street.

A re-instated pedestrian crossing on Aldermanbury, near the junction with Sunbridge Road, is also now operational, and a large “meeting circle” in front of St George’s Hall is also nearing completion.

The almost completed meeting circle near St George's HallThe almost completed meeting circle near St George's Hall (Image: Bradford Council) The works are expected to be completed by the end of the year, although planting in the new park on Hall Ings is likely to continue into January.

Councillor Alex Ross-Shaw, Bradford Council’s executive member for regeneration, planning and transport, said: “This latest phase of the scheme has seen an injection of greenery which is improving the biodiversity of the city centre, softening some of the hard landscaping and creating a healthier and greener environment.”