Dog owners have been advised by WCF Pet & Equestrian, which has a store in Skipton, to prepare their pets for the loud sounds of Bonfire Night (November 5).

The recommendations of Scarlett Betts, in-house pet specialist at the company, included constructing a safe den-like space for your dog; having their favourite toys at hand as a comforter; drowning out firework noises with classical music; keeping a supply of treats at the ready; and using a plug-in diffuser which releases calming pheromones.

Ms Betts added: "Fireworks don’t just go off on Bonfire Night, they can happen at any time in the days and weeks before and after November 5.

"The unexpected booms and bright flashes from fireworks can trigger the fight or flight response in pets because they perceive it as a threat, so it’s best to be prepared so you can minimise their distress.

"I have two dogs of my own and while one of them isn’t affected by fireworks, the other finds them really distressing.

"Our firework season routine includes taking him for a walk earlier than normal so he’s had his exercise and the opportunity to go to the toilet before any fireworks go off.

"We then give him his tea and settle in for the night so he feels cosy and secure at home."

Ms Betts noted that it isn't just dogs who are affected by fireworks, with small animals, cats, and horses also at risk of being disturbed by the loud sounds.