Bradford has emerged as one of the cities in the country with the highest proportion of junior jobs paying above the local median salary, according to a study commissioned by and conducted by content creators NeoMam.

Bradford placed fourth in the rankings, after Dundee, Nottingham, and Birmingham.

According to the study, 38.33 per cent of junior jobs in the city pay above the local median salary.

Having compiled a list of settlements with more than 50,000 inhabitants, NeoMam used Office for National Statistics (ONS) data to find the median wage in those places.

They then searched Indeed for entry-level jobs by location, setting the ONS median wage figure as a minimum wage filter on the site.

Keywords used on Indeed were Entry level, Assistant, Trainee, Graduate, and Junior.

The number of entry-level jobs displayed was used to calculate the percentage of entry-level jobs above the median wage in a given place.

A spokesperson for said: "New entrants rightly feel they deserve a fair salary that covers the rising cost of living and reflects the work they’ve done to reach this point.

"Unsurprisingly, figures show that graduates expect significantly more than what they’re currently offered."

Full details of the study and methodology are available at