LABOUR councillors were accused of “defending the indefensible” during a debate on the Government’s planned cuts to Winter Fuel Payments.

At Tuesday’s meeting of Bradford Council, three opposition parties, Conservatives, Greens and Liberal Democrats, all submitted motions on the Labour Government’s contentious plans to end the payments to pensioners – which see households given up to £300 a year towards heating their homes.

The Labour Government said the payments would now only be given to pensioners on pension credit, and the cuts were needed to balance the country’s finances.

At the meeting, the Council’s Labour leadership were accused of hypocrisy, with opposition councillors claiming that if it had been the Conservative Government making the cuts, they would have been lining up to condemn them.

Motions by the three opposition parties pointed out that over 64,000 Bradford pensioners will lose their annual payment under the plans. They called for the Council to write to Government urging them to end the winter fuel cuts, and work on campaigns to encourage pensioners to apply for pension credit if they were eligible.

It is estimated that just 63 per cent of those eligible nationwide receive pension credit.

As well as the opposition motions, Labour put forward an amendment calling for work to “signpost people to the local support available.” This would include supporting eligible people to apply for pension credit and directing them to other services available.

The impact of Winter Fuel Payments was highlighted early in the meeting.

Before discussions take place, Councillors have to declare if they have any financial interests in the upcoming debate that might affect their decision making.

For the Winter Fuel Payment motion, Councillors would have to declare an interest if they received the payment, or if a close relative did.

Almost every Councillor in the chamber declared an interest.

Councillor Brendan Stubbs, Lib Dem leader, said: “Earlier this Summer people went to the polling stations to vote for change. Change from years of cuts to services.

Councillor Brendan StubbsCouncillor Brendan Stubbs (Image: T&A)

“We’re still waiting to see if that change will occur. The cut to winter fuel payments is as out of touch as the callous Government we got rid of.

“Nobody believes billionaires should get an extra £300 a year from the Government, but the policies put forward by the Chancellor don’t put the burden on the people with the deepest pockets.

“I know a lot of people in the Labour party don’t agree with it either.”

Councillor Rebecca Poulsen, leader of the Conservatives on Bradford Council, said: “It isn’t often that three political parties bring the same issue to the Council independently.

“A payment of £300 a year means people can heat their homes with less worry. Cold homes contribute to early death.”

She pointed out that several years ago Labour estimated cuts to winter fuel allowances, proposed by the Conservative Government, could lead to an extra 4,000 deaths a year.

Referring to Labour’s argument that there was other support for pensioners, Cllr Poulsen said: “Many pensioners don’t want to apply for benefits because they are too proud. Many don’t know about pension credit.”

Green Leader Councillor Matt Edwards said: “No one can dispute that some pensioners don’t need this, and no one can dispute that the Conservatives left this country’s finances in ruins.

“A lot of pensioners won’t claim pension credit as there are too many pages of forms to fill in. Pensioners are being pushed into fuel poverty by the Labour government.”

Councillor Sarah Ferriby, Executive for healthy people and places, said: “The Government had to make difficult decisions due to the £22 billion black hole left in public finances.”

She said the Council is providing 13,650 pensioners in the District with Council Tax reduction – worth a total of £15.5m as well as providing warm spaces for people struggling to heat their homes.

She added: “The Council provides £120.7m worth of care for the elderly.”

Cllr Edwards said: “Cllr Ferriby has drawn the short straw today having to defend the indefensible.

“Like food banks, warm spaces shouldn’t exist in a modern democracy.”

Cllr Stubbs added: “It might not make a difference to your lives, but it makes a massive difference to people who will spend their winter in the cold.”

All the opposition motions were defeated, with the Labour amendments to the motion passing instead.