AN alcohol licence has been granted to an under construction shop, despite objections from neighbours and the landlord of a local pub.

But the new business, to be based at 95 Kirkgate in Shipley, will not be serving alcohol for 24 hours a day as the applicants initially planned.

Earlier this week, a licensing application by Hossein Mirzaei to sell alcohol from the unit, until recently a barber’s shop, went before a Bradford Council Licensing Panel.

A report into the application that went before the committee said two Councillors and 24 local residents and businesses had written to the authority to object to the licence.

Objectors said a shop selling booze 24 hours a day would bring noise and anti-social behaviour.

At Tuesday’s meeting, Councillors were told that the applicant no longer sought a 24-hour licence – they were willing to limit alcohol sales to between 8am and 11pm.

Tahir Ayub, representing the applicants, said there had been some “compromise” and that the applicant had also agreed to clear litter from outside the business at the end of each day.

Among the objectors who attended the meeting was Andrew Harvey, landlord of the Ring O Bells pub opposite the unit.

He said: “The people buying alcohol here could consume it wherever they wish.

“I’m worried they will consume it on my premises, whether smuggling it in or in the beer garden.

“That could cause an issue for me.

“An off licence in that locality is not needed. There are a lot of licensed premises in that area.”

Addressing the applicant, he said: “Whether you are a well run business or a badly run one, you will attract young people.”

Alan Walker represented residents of a nearby apartment building. He said a walkway next to the pub was used for “late night goings on” and that litter picks there have found broken glass, needles and silver wrappings.

He feared that a business selling alcohol until late into the evening could make the situation even worse.

Mr Ayub said the goal of the applicant was to “improve and enhance the area – not to make it decline.”

He added: “Anti social behaviour is something we all have to deal with. You’ve mentioned broken bottles and silver foil, that is worrying, but it has nothing to do with the applicant’s proposed business.”

The panel voted to grant the 8am to 11pm alcohol licence, with conditions including that a CCTV system be in place at the business.