TACKLING exploitation and closing down brothels are among the priorities for police in a Bradford suburb.

Officers in the Great Horton are working to tackle several issues after concerns were raised by rfesidents.

In the 'My Neighbourhood' section of the police website, officers have pledged to work with partners and other agencies to combat activity of Organised Crime Groups in the area.

Police said they would work to "tackle exploitation, cuckooing and the use of premises as brothels by taking positive action and enforcing closure orders if required."

Officers also aim to "safeguard vulnerable persons/children who are at risk of exploitation by working with partners and taking positive action against venues where such persons are known to frequent."

Meanwhile, anti- Social Behaviour around Beldon Road, Beldon Lane and Ashton Avenue will also be a focus, as will nuisance behaviour and begging near Tesco superstore and Quora retail park.