THE mother of a much-loved Bradford father-of-two who died in Italy last month has paid tribute to him.

It comes after an inquest was opened into the death of Bradley Greenwood at Bradford Coroners' Court on Thursday morning by assistant coroner Peter Merchant.

The tragic incident took place when Bradley and seven of his friends were motorbiking across the Amalfi Coast.

Mum Tracey Greenwood described her son as "proper loving" and an "absolute darling" from the day he was born.

Speaking to the Telegraph & Argus, she said: "He grew up with me, his grandma Alison, grandad, and uncle Lee.

"We then moved to Fairweather Green when his brother (Mason) was born.

"He was proper loving and from the day he was born -  an absolute darling.

A photo of young Bradley with his mumA photo of young Bradley with his mum (Image: UGC) "He doted on his children.

"Some of the friends he made at school were still mates with him 20 years later.

"He had such a beautiful life."

The court heard how Bradley was a manual worker who was employed as a recovery vehicle driver.

The 32-year-old sadly died on Thursday, September 19.

He was identified by his fiancee Jodie O’Connor.

Bradley was on holiday when he and his friends rented motorbikes and went on the beachfront.

He was said to have lost control and hit a lamppost, the inquest opening heard.

Emergency services were contacted but his injuries were sadly deemed unsurvivable.

Italian pathologist Dr Gelsonia Labbereti offered the court a cause of death of cardiac arrest, respiratory arrest, and head trauma.

The inquest was adjourned with the outcome of the Italian authorities' investigation set to take up to nine months.

A review hearing will take place on March 27 of next year.

A final inquest date of September 5, 2025, was also given.

Bradley leaves behind his children Aveyah, seven, and Zack, four, who he shared with Jodie, his partner of almost 12 years.

His death has not just left the family devastated but sent shockwaves across the district.

The community raised more than £30,000 towards the cost of repatriating his body.

Jodie, who described Bradley as her soulmate, said he “lived and breathed” for their children and enjoyed adventures around the world.

The couple were looking to buy a farm - where they could keep a horse - before making a start on wedding planning.