One of the city’s most beloved writers has captured the magic and wonder of Bradford for a new children’s poetry book.

Sharena Lee Satti is one of eight poets who wrote for Harper Collins’ new children’s collection focusing on UK cities.

The anthology of poems, ‘My City & Me’, is about homes and cities as well as what our communities mean to us.

Growing up on an estate in Windhill, Sharena turned to her diary and writing poetry to cope with her turbulent childhood.

After leaving school early to care for her mum, Sharena found poetry had the power to both help her heal and open up a world of opportunities.

The ‘She’ author hopes her latest poems will light up young people’s imaginations and give children a sense of civic pride.

Sharena as a young girl, picturedSharena as a young girl, pictured From ‘Home is’ to ‘My Earth’, the poems capture anything from Lister Park’s historic architecture to Sharena’s belief that Bradford is the "Earth in one city”.

“I love Lister Park,” said Sharena.

“It’s beautiful. I always feel like Lister Park has a ‘Narnia’ feel to it. It’s got this really magical vibe. I just wanted to capture that in the poem and share sometimes kids don’t always get to visit their city. Some might only get to visit the park and the park is their little home. 

'My City & Me' features Sharena's poem about Lister Park, pictured behind a copy of the book'My City & Me' features Sharena's poem about Lister Park, pictured behind a copy of the book (Image: UGC) “Bradford has so many beautiful places you can visit. We’ve got lots of green spaces and sometimes when you need to just escape you’re lucky to have that. 

"I feel like Bradford is the Earth in one city.

Cartwright Hall in Lister Park captured by T&A Camera Club member Graham KeeganCartwright Hall in Lister Park captured by T&A Camera Club member Graham Keegan (Image: Graham Keegan) “On our streets you’ll hear people saying ‘Assalamu Alaikum’, ‘Namaste’, it’s a variety of people. That’s really beautiful. It’s what makes us beautiful. Kids that are in London, it will give them a different idea of what Bradford is. For the kids in Bradford, these books are going to be in schools. I hope they look at this book and say, ‘I’ve been to that park’. It’s quite exciting for htem to think they know somewhere in a book. 

Sharena, picturedSharena, pictured “I’ve been going into school and speaking about my journey and how younger me started from loving nursery rhymes and leaving school quite early because I had to become a carer for my mum.

"To look at those young kids, to say ‘Look I’ve got my words in a children’s book’, it’s like a lightbulb moment for young people. They have this vision like when they get to adulthood because it’s a whole world away.”

She added: “It’s quite surreal. When I got approached by them [Harper Collins] I was so excited. To see the finished product is huge. The kids of Bradford will be able to see themselves in poems.”