An “inadequate” man from Bradford who sent sexual messages and a picture of his penis to underage girls not realising that they were child decoys run by a campaign group has been jailed for three-and-a-half years.

Terrence Bailey went to trial claiming his phone had been hacked and that he was not responsible for the communications sent to the '13- and 14-year-old girls' three years ago.

However he was convicted by a jury at Bradford Crown Court and is now behind bars.

The court heard that Bailey, 35, of Amberley Court, Bradford, befriended what he believed to be underage girls via a social media platform.

He made three separate attempts to contact them over a matter of hours between October 6 and 7, 2021.

He entered into sexualised conversations and sent a photograph of his penis to one girl with a request for her to send naked images of herself in return.

He also asked whether the 14-year-old would like to see his penis “in person”.

Bailey was subsequently reported to the police and arrested on October 10.

He was convicted after a trial of attempting to incite a child to engage in sexual activity involving penetration, a further count of attempting to incite a child to engage in sexual activity, and an attempt to engage in sexual communications with a child.

The court heard that Bailey was “an inadequate individual” who had learning difficulties.

His Honour Judge Ahmed Nadim said: “At trial you maintained against overwhelming evidence that your phone had been hacked and you were not responsible.

“Out of guilt, shame and embarrassment you are finding it difficult to acknowledge your failings and to accept your guilt.

“It is worrying that you should have committed these offences. Clearly they suggest that there is a darker and more concerning side to your character and personality.”

He jailed Bailey for three-and-a-half years in total in order that the public “will be sufficiently protected” and said he would serve half of that period before being released on licence.

He ordered Bailey to register as a sex offender for life and imposed a ten-year sexual harm prevention order.

Judge Nadim added: “Hereafter there is an obligation upon you to conduct your life in a socially responsible manner.

“If you commit any offence of the [same] type you can rest assured that you will be sent to prison for a very long time indeed.”