A SMALL Bradford village has been given an award by Yorkshire In Bloom.

Micklethwaite near Bingley was given 5 Roses recognition after being named Best Kept Village in West Yorkshire 2024.

Micklethwaite was awarded the Best Kept Village in West Yorkshire 2024 by Yorkshire In BloomMicklethwaite was awarded the Best Kept Village in West Yorkshire 2024 by Yorkshire In Bloom (Image: UGC)

Anthony Bradley, chairman of the Micklethwaite Village Society, said: "It's a fantastic achievement as our small village is only about 130 houses.

"We have no pub, no shop but we do have a village green and a really strong community spirit.

Micklethwaite was awarded the Best Kept Village in West Yorkshire 2024 by Yorkshire In BloomMicklethwaite was awarded the Best Kept Village in West Yorkshire 2024 by Yorkshire In Bloom (Image: UGC)

"We have a 110 email addresses and we got a message sent out asking everyone to get involved.

"We all came together for the planting, tidied our gardens and even repainted the post boxes.

"The last time we won a Yorkshire In Bloom was 1991 so it was surprise that we won.

"Most people know each other here and we have an event, like a barbecue in August, so many come along.

In the Yorkshire In Bloom judges remarks about  Micklethwaite, they said the following:

"Micklethwaite is a very small village built on a steep hillside. The road leading into the village was clean and the entry sign was planted with both permanent and annual plants.

"The lower village green has stone troughs and barrel planters. Even though there had been a village barbecue on August 10 the area looked really good.

"There is a small village notice board which is well kept and advertises village events.

"The upper village green has been well cut and the stones around it painted white.

"It was lovely to see the bench commemorating the village winning The Best Kept Village in 1991.

"The old telephone box has been recommissioned and now houses a defibrillator.

"The villages seating areas are excellent. The whole village was litter free.

"All the property frontages were very good.

"Micklethwaite looks like it is a lovely place to live."

The judges also provided feedback on areas for consideration, but even where improvement were suggested, the judges were very complimentary.

The judges said: "It is hard to comment on areas for consideration as the village is so well kept and fits into its environment.

"Perhaps you could consider adding further perennials to your barrel planters.

"The road sides do have wildflower planting, it may be worth considering looking at adding more towards to bottom of the village.

"Micklethwaite would make a really good entry into the main competition. This may be worth considering."