A DRUG dealer found with cannabis, a dealer list, and a mobile phone that he used to send messages to buyers has avoided an immediate prison sentence.

Police who searched Ibraheim Wazir’s house seized three mobile phones, a bag of cannabis, small empty grip seal bags, and a notepad containing a dealer list.

The bag contained two £5 notes and eight grip seal bags of cannabis with a total weight of 7g worth £80.

His fingerprint was found on one of the bags.

When police downloaded one of the phones they found outgoing messages offering cannabis for sale between November 2020 and July 2021 with one text message sent 69 times within 40 minutes.

Wazir, 26, of Gathorne Street, Bradford, later pleaded guilty to offering to supply cannabis between November 7 and 10, 2021, and a linked offence of possession of cannabis with intent to supply on November 9 the same year.

The court heard that he had no previous convictions.

Sentencing him to 10 months imprisonment, concurrent on each count, suspended for 18 months, Miss Recorder Catherine Silverton said: “You clearly had a significant role with an expectation of a significant financial advantage, and it’s clear that this had been going on for some time.”

She ordered the forfeiture and destruction of the drugs and mobile phone and ordered Wazir to pay costs of £150.