POLICE have issued a warning that public car parks "are not the place to practice your drifting skills" after more anti-social driving at a spot officers have been monitoring.

Officers from West Yorkshire Police's Leeds North-West Neighbourhood Policing Team (NPT) first received reports of vehicles driving in an anti-social manner late at night on Saturday, August 24 in a car park in Otley.

This was "causing a nuisance to nearby residents", according to a spokesperson for the NPT.

One of the cars involved was seized the following day under Section 59 powers, when officers attended the home address of the keepers of the vehicles spotted at the car park.

This was because a warning had already been given to the vehicle owner.

A second vehicle was given a Section 59 warning.

Section 59 of the Police Reform Act 2002 allows officers to give drivers a warning if they are reported to have used their vehicle in a manner which causes "alarm, distress or annoyance".

If reported to have done so again within a year, the vehicle can be confiscated.

The Leeds North-West NPT said back in August: "Public carparks are not the place to practice your drifting skills.

"There are plenty of tracks where you can do this legally, where your vehicle will not be seized."

The team has continued to keep an eye on the car park and on Saturday evening, another vehicle was spotted driving in an anti-social manner.

Officers issued a Section 59 warning to the driver.

They were also reported for breaching the Leeds-wide anti-social vehicles Public Spaces Protection Order (PSPO).

The PSPO came into force in April 2023 and lasts for three years, unless it is extended by a further order under the council's statutory powers.

It bans sounding horns or playing loud music, revving engines, causing danger to other road users including pedestrians, causing damage or risk of damage to property, exceeding the permitted speed limit or racing, and performing stunts.