More than one fifth of people, in a survey of 2,000, are relying on savings and credit to pay their bills.

Online budgeting tool IE Hub conducted the survey, which also found that 35 per cent of respondents plan to use less energy this winter to be able to afford their bills, while 13 per cent will be making energy efficiency changes.

This comes as energy prices are expected to rise on October 1, due to Ofgem's new price cap.

12 per cent of respondents said they were in debt, while 16 per cent said they had been in debt previously but managed to pay it off.

38 per cent said they had had to cut back on other household essentials to manage their energy bills.

The survey also found that more than one third (36 per cent) of respondents had "lost faith in the new government to resolve the energy cost crisis," following the withdrawal of the winter fuel allowance for pensioners.

Of those aged 55 and over affected by the winter fuel allowance decision, a quarter (25 per cent) said they would now struggle to pay their energy bills this winter.

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