Yorkshire Water saw the average duration of its spills increase by more than two hours between 2022 and 2023, according to research by Utility Bidder.

The company, using data from the Rivers Trust, found Yorkshire Water's average spill duration rose from 4.28 hours in 2022 to 6.64 hours in 2023.

The increase of 2.36 hours places the company fourth in a list of UK water companies with the largest increase in average spill durations in the period (Anglian Water topped the list).

Utility Bidder's study also revealed the UK water companies with the most sewage spills, and pictured what a selection of UK rivers could look like as a result of pollution in the future.

James Longley, managing director at Utility Bidder, said: "Sewage spills continue to headline UK news as of September 2024, and they’ve been a constant nightmare for water companies and local authorities across the UK since we first conducted Utility Bidder’s Polluted Waters Report back in June 2023.

"What is perhaps even more stark is that the longevity of spills increased for each of the water companies sourced compared to 2022.

"Heading into the autumnal months, heavy downpours and prolonged periods of rain can be expected to overwhelm the UK’s drainage infrastructure.

"As a result, sewage spills will continue to be an unpleasant reality and there needs to be as much information shared with UK residents as possible to highlight the current crisis."

Utility Bidder's research is available to view at https://www.utilitybidder.co.uk/blog/polluted-waters-report-2024/