WEST Yorkshire has been named one of the best areas in the country for walking and cycling.

Active Travel England has rated regions across the UK for how well they perform in providing people with opportunities to ditch cars and adopt more healthy travel methods.

Transport Authorities are given a rating of between 0 and 4, with 0 meaning there is “little support or delivery” for active travel and 4 meaning there is a “dense network in place, with a high proportion of trips made by walking, wheeling and cycling.”

West Yorkshire received a 3 rating, meaning there is “strong local leadership and support, substantial network in place with increasing modal share".

Just five other authorities were given a 3 rating, and none achieved a four.

The ranking came just days after West Yorkshire Combined Authority approved plans to change Wakefield Road in Bradford – adding new cycle lanes as well as improved pedestrian crossings and bus lanes.

After hearing of the Active Travel England ranking, Mayor of West Yorkshire, Tracy Brabin, said: “To be recognised as one of the leading regions for active travel is a fantastic achievement.

“Our transformational walking, cycling, and wheeling routes are helping people choose more sustainable ways to travel.

“And more funding will help us to build on this work as we create a greener, better-connected West Yorkshire that works for all.”

Maintaining Level 3 status means the Combined Authority will be able to access more funding in the future to improve walking and cycling in West Yorkshire.