A PROTEST against late night fireworks across Bradford was held outside City Hall this afternoon.

A campaign group of about 20 protesters gathered outside City Hall in Bradford city centre to raise concerns about problems with fireworks that are blighting the city.

“We’re protesting against the late night use of fireworks,” said protest organiser Inayah Sher.

“It’s been going for many years across the Bradford district.

“It used to be occasional but now people are setting them at different times in a night.

She said fireworks affects so many different people, and can be particularly difficult for parents with young children, people with autism, the elderly and pet owners.

“We can’t stay silent any longer,” she said. “We’re fighting for our rights to have a peaceful night’s sleep.

"If we don’t do anything it’s going to get worse.

“People are setting them off after 11pm and as late as 2am.

“People get back from wedding venues and then they set them set off fireworks to celebrate the bride and groom when they back to someone’s private home.

“We want to catch the culprits and let them know there will be consequences.”

Dr Sohail Ahmed, chair of Bradford 4 Better, said: “We do many different campaigns to improve Bradford as a city, and fireworks has been identified as one of the top issues that causes a nuisance and disturbance for our residents.

“We want to give a voice to this campaign. There is nothing in place to deal with this problem which is potentially terrorising people and causing a significant problem.”

Councillor Fozia Shaheen (Lab, Toller ward) said: “Fireworks is a huge problem across the district.

“It’s a very selfish act and people need to be held responsible. It’s so unfair and horrible for people.

“I’m really proud to be part of this campaign group. It’s got to the point where enough is enough.”

Hamza Rehman, a member of the Friends of West Park, said fireworks has been a particular problem in the Girlington park for the last three years.

He said: “We’ve had kids chasing people around the park and shooting fireworks at them.

“How are children are getting a hold of these fireworks? Businesses have to stop selling them to children.”

Kashif Ahmed, a member of the Friends of West Park and Bradford 4 Better, said: “Bradford 4 Better started a campaign against fireworks before Covid because it was a noise pollution issue.

“It’s a form of anti-social behaviour and goes on for a long time through the year.

“It’s worse in the summertime because of wedding but it runs through Bonfire Night and on to New Year’s Eve.

“Specialist fireworks shops are selling them for weddings and for others. You get these really big boxes now they are a lot louder and brighter.

“People come to Bradford and find out it’s war zone.

“In my opinion, it should be people allowed to work with pyrotechnics that are allowed to buy them. There need to be stricter laws.”