A BRADFORD teacher who sent explicit sexual images to what he believed was a 12-year-old girl has been banned from the profession for life.

Zafar Aslam, who taught English at Co-op Academy Grange on Haycliffe Lane, was jailed for 14 months last June.

The 44-year-old was present at a virtual Teaching Regulation Agency meeting last month on August 29.

In the report, published in the last week, Aslam said that in the period leading up to his offences, the school was a "very challenging workplace". 

The panel concluded that Aslam is "prohibited from teaching indefinitely and cannot teach in any school, sixth form college, relevant youth accommodation or children’s home in England". 

Co-op Academy Grange said none of their students were involved in the case in any way and they continue to prioritise the health and safety of their children and young people at all times.

On February 8, 2022, Aslam was arrested at his home address in relation to the offences.

Having been suspended by the school on February 9, Coop Grange terminated his employment on March 4, 2022.

This was due to his bail conditions which said he was unable to have any unsupervised contact or electronic contact with anyone aged under 18. 

The Telegraph & Argus reported on the Bradford Crown Court case at the time.
Aslam called himself ‘Teacher’ and sent ‘Izzy’ live images from the school library and photos of a classroom, prosecutor Clare Walsh said.

He responded after the undercover police officer acting as a decoy posted a fictional profile of a child in Year Eight.

Aslam messaged: ‘English teacher here,’ Mrs Walsh said.

When she told him she was 12, he replied: ‘LOL cool.’

He then sent pictures of a classroom and posted live images of what he said was the school library at his place of work.

His talk became overtly sexual and he sent an image of himself in his underwear at his home.

A photo of a penis then followed with the message: ‘Whoops, sorry, I didn’t mean to send that.’

Aslam next sent a video of a male masturbating. 

Aslam pleaded guilty to attempted sexual communication with a child and attempting to cause a child under the age of 13 to view sexual activity.

The recorder made a five-year Sexual Harm Prevention Order and Aslam must sign on the sex offender register for ten years.

A spokesperson for Co-op Academy Grange said: “As soon as we were made aware of this matter, we suspended and dismissed the member of staff and fully supported the police with their investigation.

“None of our students was involved in this case in any way and, through our robust safeguarding policies and procedures, we continue to prioritise the health and safety of our children and young people at all times.”