THE University of Bradford has been rated as the second-worst in the North and North East, according to a prestigious guide

The Times and The Sunday Times Good University Guide 2025 was released on Friday.

The University of Bradford received an overall rating of 111th out of 134 - meaning it ranks 15th out of 16 in the North and North East rankings - below the likes of Teesside (104th) and Sunderland (105th).

All Leeds universities - University of Leeds (29th), Leeds Beckett (88th), and Leeds Arts University (92nd) - apart from Leeds Trinity (112th) - feature above it.

It is a drop of three places from 2024's 108th ranking and a dramatic decrease from the 95th in 2023.

Durham (fifth) took the top spot in the North and North East.

Helen Davies, editor of The Times and The Sunday Times Good University Guide, said: “The best universities — whether they were founded in the 15th century or 2005 — are local and global powerhouses of intellectual thought and creativity, from the arts to science, that can power economic regeneration and lead the way to a better life.

"But what and where to study — and how to pay for it — has never been tougher. This is where our comprehensive guide can help. 

“This year we have tweaked our methodology to keep up with contemporary concerns around climate change and careers and have added in a sustainability metric, teaming up with People & Planet, and boosted the weighting of graduate prospects.  

“The higher education sector is facing unprecedented challenges from debates on free speech to financial stability, but it is important to remember the force for good that going to university can be.

"See how the universities compare subject by subject, a guide on campus life, and what scholarships and bursaries may be on offer online.” 

The Times and The Sunday Times Good University Guide 2025 evaluates everything from satisfaction with teaching quality and the student experience to degree completion rates and graduate employment prospects. 

A 96-page supplement will be published in The Sunday Times on September 22.

The Telegraph & Argus approached the University of Bradford for a comment but has not yet received a response.