A specialist cancer team from Bradford will be raising awareness about prostate cancer at this year’s Saltaire Festival.

Urologists and specialist nurses from Bradford Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust will stress the need for early detection at the festival on Saturday, September 21.

Their efforts will follow the news that the North East and Yorkshire region was the second highest area in the UK - and the highest in England - for the percentage of men diagnosed too late to be cured, according to Prostate Cancer UK.

Consultant urologist and clinical lead for urology, Chidi Molokwu, said: "The urology team will attend the Saltaire Festival for one day on Saturday, 21 September, raising awareness about prostate cancer, as we had a large number of visitors seeking information last year.

"In the North-East and Yorkshire region 20 percent of those diagnosed with prostate cancer will be incurable.

"This is second only to Scotland where the rate is 35 percent and Northern Ireland isn’t too far behind us on 20 percent."

Prostate cancer symptoms include needing to urinate more frequently; needing to rush to the toilet; difficulty in urinating; weak flow; and blood in urine or blood in semen.