A NEW mural in Bradford aims to inspire young people to dream big.

The 32ft artwork, called Neon Intermission, has been installed on the historic Connaught Rooms building in Manningham Lane.

It took street artist Mohammed Ali, also known as Ali Aerosol, a year to create the mural, which was put up with the help of a crane.

The artwork shows a young woman reading as she leans against her car, with part of Bradford's cityscape reflected in the wing mirror.

It is thought to be the largest piece of outdoor art in Bradford.

Mr Ali was invited by Bradford community arts organisation The Leap to create the mural as part of its Fuelling Futures campaign, which is backed by Bradford Council, Bradford College, Mission 44 - Sir Lewis Hamilton's charity - and a number of businesses in the motor industry.

The mural is described as 'big and bold'The mural is described as 'big and bold' (Image: Submitted)

Mr Ali said his desire was to "paint some messages that are about uplifting young people and the next generation, and trying to equip them with skills and the ability to alter their futures, their trajectory".

He added: "I've got a long history in Bradford - I love the city.

"For me, taking art to everyday people is one of my missions

"There's no better medium of taking art into the everyday more than street art.

"It is such an amazing way of letting art spill out on to the streets and reach people that it wouldn't reach in a fancy gallery."

He said his mural was on a "big and bold scale" and people could not miss it.

The mural will also help to promote The Leap's Fuelling Futures campaign.

According to The Leap's website, Fuelling Futures "celebrates Bradford car culture and the creativity from its community, harnessing this passion to promote and support careers in STEM (science, technology, engineering and mathematics) and motorsports".

Sabir Musaji, of The Leap, said: "A piece of art like this can really make a difference and that's what we're about.

"When people give directions, people are going to be referring to this as a landmark like 'take a left at the mural'. 

"We've created history and we've been very lucky to work with some amazing partners, including Mohammed."

The mural attracted attention just minutes after it was installed, with drivers and pedestrians stopping to look at it and take pictures.