An event showcasing recent work to tackle violence against women and girls (VAWG) will take place in Huddersfield on Thursday, September 19.

The event, hosted by the West Yorkshire Violence Reduction Partnership, will include a spotlight on Bradford's Domestic Abuse Perpetrator Pilot.

Bradford Council's community safety co-ordinator, Michael Churley, said of the pilot: "To reduce violence against women and girls, we need to work with perpetrators to reduce harm and support behaviour change.

"The pilot focused on interventions with perpetrators of domestic abuse, utilising a navigation model of support that worked intensively on a one-on-one basis.

"It addressed multiple disadvantages and focused on behaviour change, with the pilot cohort reducing offending by 89.3 per cent at the point of discharge."

Detective chief superintendent Lee Berry, director of the West Yorkshire Violence Reduction Partnership and head of the West Yorkshire Women’s Safety Unit, said: "Tackling serious violence cannot be achieved by any one agency alone.

"We have to work together to understand the gaps and use our partnership strengths to fill them.

"The current week of action dedicated to tackling violence against women and girls is a great example of how our combined efforts can be the difference.

"Hearing about the great projects and interventions during our event means we can collectively deliver the best possible services that talk to each other for maximum impact."

West Yorkshire's deputy mayor for policing and crime, and chair of the Serious Violence Executive Group, Alison Lowe OBE, said: "We want women and girls to feel completely safe in our region and that’s why we’re leading the response to serious violence.

"It is a theme that will sit at the heart of the mayor’s next Police and Crime Plan for West Yorkshire, so we want to hear your views on the things that matter most.

"Your feedback will also help us to develop a new Serious Violence Strategy, getting to the root causes, putting prevention first."

Thursday's event in Huddersfield is taking place during an ongoing VAWG Week of Action.

More information about the West Yorkshire Violence Reduction Partnership is available at