Bradford employees have the highest job satisfaction of any UK city, if a résumé expert's research is to be believed.

CV experts analysed the most commonly searched terms related to resignation, such as 'resignation letter template', 'quiet quitting', and 'how to leave my job', using Google Keyword Planner.

The company found that 1.01 per cent of the city's population look to quit their job each year.

This equates to about 6,000 searches annually for a city with a population of around 600,000.

The figure is more than three times fewer than neighbouring Leeds, where 3.54 per cent of the 829,413 population search for ways to quit their job per year.

Bristol had the highest percentage of unsatisfied employees in the UK, with 4.12 per cent of the population searching for ways to resign.

Across all UK cities, 'resignation letter' was the most commonly searched term, with the highest number in London, at 118,800 searches annually.

'Resignation letter template' was the second most commonly searched term. used data from The Geographist to get the largest UK cities by population, while it used the ONS for population data across each city.

The top resignation-related search terms by volume were obtained using Ahrefs, and then run through Google Keyword Planner for a regional breakdown.

The full data is available at