POLICE who raided a house in Bradford found a cannabis farm containing mature plants with a street value of almost £12,000.

Bradford Crown Court heard that Iza Libera was found at the property, on Poplar Avenue, in the Horton Bank Top area, when officers called on March 1, 2023, following a tip-off that it was being used for a cannabis grow.

The 31-year-old said her English was not good and asked if she could telephone a friend, who then spoke with the police.

But over the next 10 minutes, she made a number of further calls from inside the property.

On one, the officers heard her speaking in English and asking whether she could let them go upstairs and downstairs.

After telling officers that she did not understand why they were there she allowed them inside commenting: “You can have a look as you want.”

A search revealed a number of cannabis plants in the attic as well as paraphernalia used to cultivate them including transformers, a filter, a water butt, and lights.

When tested the plants were confirmed to be cannabis. They were 77cm in height and capable of producing 1.98kg of the drug with a street value of £11,800.

Libera refused to comment on what had been found inside. She was not arrested but in a later voluntary interview with police, she answered “no comment” to all questions asked.

Prosecutor Victoria Barker described the grow as “a sophisticated set-up” that “must have been there for some time to reach that maturity.”

Libera, a single mother who spoke via a Polish interpreter, was said to be of previous good character.

Sentencing Libera, who had pleaded guilty at Bradford Magistrates’ Court to permitting premises to be used for the production of cannabis, Her Honour Judge Sophie McKone said she was satisfied that the offence had occurred because Libera was “either frightened or intimidated by your ex-partner, but allowing your premises to be used is a serious offence.

“Cannabis, we are increasingly realising, is a very dangerous drug.

“You are a single mother with a seven-year-old child. Not only do you have caring responsibilities for that child, but you also look after your mother, who you live with.

“You are hard-working and have good employment, and I accept that you are remorseful for what you have done.”

She imposed an 18-month community order as well as 80 hours of unpaid work in the community and ordered Libera to undertake 30 rehabilitation activity requirement days.

She also ordered the forfeiture and destruction of the cannabis plants discovered at the house, and the paraphernalia used to cultivate them.