PLANS to build over 170 homes on a field in the Low Moor area of Bradford have officially been submitted to Bradford Council.

Housing developer Homes By Honey first revealed that it was drawing up plans for a site off Abb Scott Lane earlier this year.

In a letter to people living in the area, the company said it aimed to create a “high-quality development that complements the existing community.”

And now they have submitted a planning application to demolish three barns on the site and build 173 homes.

It points out that almost half of the homes will be classed as affordable or social housing, which the applicants describe as a “significant benefit” to the area.

A total of 40 people have written to Bradford Council so far to object to the planning application.

Although the site is a field, with a few agricultural buildings, it does not fall within the Green Belt, although there is an area of Green Belt directly to the south of the site.

The plans show that the development will include an area of public green space that backs onto this Green Belt land.

The site had previously been allocated as suitable for housing in Bradford’s Local Plan, but this allocation has since lapsed.

The site of the planned housingThe site of the planned housing (Image: Google)

The application includes feedback from residents who responded to a consultation that was carried out before the application was submitted.

It showed residents had raised concerns about increased congestion, that the work could raise the risk of flooding and that there would be extra pressure on local services such as doctors and schools.

One resident said new homes were not needed in Low Moor, and another said building new homes would impact the price of existing homes in the area.

The applicants say they have altered their plans following the feedback to meet some of the concerns.

The application says: “The dwellings will comprise a range of sizes, from two-bedroom properties to four-bedroom properties, across a mixture of house types.

“Additionally, the housing mix will exceed policy requirements with 49 per cent provision of affordable housing achieved across the site.

“The delivery of the proposed 173 dwellings, 49 per cent of which will be affordable housing, represents a significant social and community benefit and one which weighs heavily in favour of the proposed development being granted planning permission.

“Given the significant shortfall currently faced by the Council, the delivery of the proposed dwellings will make an important contribution to the provision of housing land supply.”

A decision on the application is expected by the end of the year.